Book number two in the "Ancient Ireland" series.

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Warrior Queen

The story of a queen who lost love, lost children, lost her biggest battle, yet finds herself and her onward path towards destiny.

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It was the beginning of the first millennium and in a world dominated by men, Maeve turned a patriarchal Ireland upside down and ruled one of the mightiest of armies with an unrelenting and focused drive that earned her the name “Warrior Queen”.

Having just lost her greatest battle, her only daughters, and her one true love, she was now cast into a conflict where only she could stand between an evil force bent on destroying the peace and tranquility of Celtic Ireland and Tír na nÓg.

Would she be able to find a victory in a world where gods and shape-shifting demons battled against her? And would she be able to stem the tide of slavery and sex-trafficking that threatened to overrun Ireland, as it had just done in Europe?

With the help of Manannán mac Lir, Macha, and Una, Maeve found that the answers are not often the happy ever after of a fictional world, but can become a learning platform for surviving in a real one.

This is Ireland, post Cú Chulainn.

This is Queen Maeve, the original Warrior Queen.